Rearview Mirror: Which Auto Stock Review 12/9-12/15

Rearview Mirror: Which Auto Stock Review 12/9-12/15

While the auto stock review you look forward to each week is a day late, we can take a look at a full five days for our top ten companies.

Starting with the open of Wednesday 12/9 until the closing price on Tuesday 12/15, we can see exactly how each of these stocks performed to see where the price has been and where it’s headed.

Toyota Motor Co. (TM)

Toyota started our time period at a price of $140.99 per share and only rose a little through Thursday. At the open on Friday, this stock rocketed up to $150.68 and continued to increase in price through the closing on Tuesday. That final price came in at $152.85 to give good positive growth for the five days.

General Motors (GM)

The GM story is one that was just the opposite of Toyota. GM began the time period at $44.51 and saw a sharp decline in price at the opening on Thursday. This fall continued over the next three days to bring us to a closing price on Tuesday of $41.70, which is a strong drop. If you’re looking to get in on stock while the price is low, GM might be right for you.

Honda Motor Company (HMC)

The Honda story was a bit different from the previous two mentioned. The opening price for Honda was $30.07 which then dropped and continued to drop until the opening on Tuesday. As of Tuesday, the price opened at $29.55 per share and continued to give us a nice increase throughout the day to a final price of $29.65.

Volkswagen Auto Group (VWAGY)

The stock for the Volkswagen Auto Group made some serious ups and downs over the week. This auto stock started at $19.47 and then dropped sharply at the beginning of Friday to a price of $18.64. This price was pretty level through Monday, but the opening on Tuesday showed impressive recovery for this stock with a price of $19.77 which only went up from there through the day.

Tesla (TSLA)

Tesla gave investors a bit of a scar as this auto stock began at $640.8 before it dropped to close to $575 by the end of Wednesday. From there, it moved up and continued to grow during the time period to make a mostly complete recovery. At the end of the day on Tuesday, this stock was priced at $629.20 per share.

Douglas Dynamics (PLOW)

The opening price for Douglas Dynamics was $43.01 and this stock has some serious ups and downs throughout the week. The weather wasn’t exactly cooperative for this company. Even though there were some dips below $42.00 per share, this stock did end the time period with a net positive at a price of $43.26.

Ford (F)

Ford has a bit of an up and down week with a starting price on Wednesday of $9.38 per share. After dropping down below $9.000 on Monday, we saw a bit of a recovery on Tuesday to a price of $9.13. This stock is one that you might want to put your money in now if you’re looking for a company with the longevity Ford offers at a bargain price per share.

Nikola Motors (NKLA)

Nikola Motors started Wednesday at $19.30 but found its way lower and lower throughout the time period that we’re looking at. The closing price on Tuesday gave us a price of $16.59 per share which might make this a stock you want to choose if you’re looking for an affordable way to invest in an auto stock for the future.

Nio Inc. (NIO)

Nio had a bit of a drop and then a slight recovery during this past week. This is an auto stock that continues to hover around $43.00. This stock began Wednesday at $45.98 and then dropped below $40.00 on Monday before recovering to a price of $43.42. While this is a net negative, this stock should see strong increases going forward.

Arcimoto Inc. (FUV)

From a high of $14.04 to a low that dipped under $12.00 per share, Arcimoto is an auto stock that hovered around $13.00 per share for the entire week. At the closing of Tuesday, this stock reached back up to $12.80 per share and is a stock that might be right for you if you’re looking for an affordable auto stock to invest in for the future.