Auto Market Watch

Ford’s Road to Recovery: Why Its Undervalued Stock is a Strong Buy

Ford’s Road to Recovery: Why Its Undervalued Stock is a Strong Buy

Ford has faced some serious market challenges recently but now might be the best time to buy Ford stock. The price is right and Ford’s growth is strong.

Ford Motor Company is poised for a comeback, with its stock trading under $10 and a compelling 7.71% forward dividend yield. Despite recent market challenges, Ford’s strong balance sheet, strategic investments in hybrids and EVs, and ability to weather tariff pressures position it for solid growth. While risks remain, including potential EV subsidy cuts and ongoing Model E losses, the company’s market dominance and financial resilience make it an attractive buy for long-term investors.

Ford continues forward while the market declines

It might not sound like it makes much sense, but the Ford Motor Company (F) stock price has shown growth over the past month, while the Nasdaq, Dow, and S&P 500 have all reported significant losses during the same time. What could Ford be doing that other companies aren’t? Is there something special about this automaker that makes it impervious to stock declines, or has Ford’s stock price hit rock bottom?

Consistency could be key

The stock market has seen some major highs and lows in the past ninety days. The constant threat of potential tariffs being imposed has caused many stocks to drop like lead balloons. Comparatively, GM’s stock has declined 8%, while Ford’s stock price has risen nearly 4% this year. Part of this growth could be due to Ford’s consistent financial performance and valuation, which gives it a strong potential upside for investors.

Despite this consistency and performance, there could be some risks involved, as there are with any stock, making it challenging for some investors to commit to buying Ford stock. Still, the low price makes it an attractive choice for anyone ready to add this stock to their portfolio.

Why is Ford stock up?

The increased price can’t be pinpointed to one factor, but the efforts to reduce costs can be the key reason why this stock is up. There are several factors, both positive and negative, that contribute to the company’s performance.

Positive Factors

Negative Factors

Is Ford stock a good investment?

During the final three months of 2024, Ford’s revenue was up 13% year over year and the company had an operating margin of 11.6%. This was well ahead of the rest of the automotive industry.

Couple the impressive end-of-year growth with the continued focus on controlling expenses and a strong demand for Ford trucks, and you’ve got a stock that could be right for nearly every investor. The price is right for many investors to take a shot and see if putting their money behind Ford could be a great long-term strategy for growth and wealth-building. As one of the earliest stocks traded in America, Ford is a legacy choice, and it has several decades of history to show it can withstand nearly every challenge.

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